The Village Green

Village Green 1

We are staying with Granny this week.  There are lots of good things about that, but one of them is being in a beautiful village in the Cotswolds.  So on Tuesday afternoon, after a reasonably productive morning’s work, we went out to the village green to burn off some energy.  The children played on the swings and roundabout, Monkey made a collection of feathers and leaves and Rabbit climbed a tree.

Village Green 2

Then Granny persuaded all the children to run round the green and touch all the trees.  This was a stroke of grandparenting genius, as it can be quite hard to get the big ones to run around so although they get plenty of fresh air they don’t always get enough exercise.  We found out there are twenty trees on the green!

Flowers 1

On the way home, Owl and Monkey wanted to take some pictures of the flowers outside the houses.  I taught them what I know about photography, which took about ten seconds.  Think about the angle.  Think about the light.  And don’t take photos through people’s windows 🙂

Flowers 2

And we took some photos of the cows too.  They seemed quite happy to pose.



Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

8 thoughts on “The Village Green

  1. Coombemill - Fiona

    The Cotswolds are beautiful – lucky you! What an inspired idea to count the trees, I might have to try that one. Hope you all had a fab holiday and thanks for sharing your beautiful summer photos on Country Kids.

    1. Hannah Post author

      Thank you, I am really enjoying Country Kids. It’s a great reminder to get out with the kids more, and also that the simple things are worth blogging as well as big days out.

  2. pinkoddy

    After a trip to London last weekend this reminds me very much why I’m happy living so close to the Cotswolds. Thank you for sharing and great photography.


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