This diary started as an attempt to pay at least a little bit of attention to baby number five, and recently I haven’t even managed to write once a week so the mummy guilt has started before he is even born!

24 weeks
Baby is: the size of an ear of corn.
I am: suffering with lower back pain and wishing I could take my usual cocktail of drugs, instead of just paracetamol which has absolutely no effect.

25 weeks
Baby is: the size of a courgette.
I am: tired and ill. Just a virus but a nasty one, with a sore throat, earache and hacking cough, as well as a permanent headache. It is making me quite grumpy!

26 weeks
Baby is: the size of a coconut.
I am: still feeling ill and I’ve had enough now.

27 weeks
Baby is: the size of a cauliflower.
I am: starting to feel a bit better, but still not sleeping very well, which is making me quite stressed, especially as it is messing with my early morning blood sugar levels.

28 Weeks
Baby is: about the size of an aubergine – or, to be more accurate, about 1.1kg. Today I had a growth scan because of the gestational diabetes, to make sure he is not getting too big but he is an average weight for this stage of pregnancy and practically perfect in every way! The scans are always amazing, and although I never expect to see anything new after five pregnancies I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen a baby opening and closing his mouth and drinking amniotic fluid before.
I am: surviving, but very tired and emotional. I went to see my GP this morning because of the insomnia, and she has prescribed sleeping pills to try and help keep my morning blood sugar levels down. I can take them every night if I need to, but I’m going to try every other night first. I really hope they work. I need to keep my blood sugar stable so I won’t have to take the diabetes drugs. If I go down that route, I won’t be able to go over my due date, or give birth in the midwife-led unit.

The nicest thing that happened in the last couple of weeks was the arrival of a very special parcel. One of my favourite bloggers and tweeters, Kimberley from Ruby+Lottie, made this beautiful blanket, along with two cardigans and a hat – the very first gifts I have received for this baby, and they are just perfect. Thank you Kimberley, you are lovely xx