Tag Archives: Matilda Mae Memorial Auction

A Mile in Memory of Matilda Mae

Today we walked a mile in memory of Matilda Mae at the Rare Breeds Centre in Kent with Jennie, her family and friends, and many who have read her story and were moved to come along and show their support for her today, and to raise money for the Lullaby Trust.  Many more people attended several other organised walks around the country, as well as families and individuals who walked a mile wherever they were and remembered babyTilda.

We walked around the woodland trail, through a sea of bluebells.  They were so beautiful, and from now on they will always remind me of Matilda Mae.


Half way round, we stopped to collect a packet of seeds each.  They had been hidden in the trees and in the notches of a totem pole.  We are looking forward to planting them, and watching them grow.  Another lovely reminder of Matilda Mae.


Towards the end of the walk, we came out of the woods and into the open.  We walked back to the starting point, where there were pink and purple balloons for baby Tilda.


We blew bubbles for Tilda, and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, accompanied by the violin, which the children then had the opportunity to play.  Owl played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star beautifully, and Rabbit had a go as well.  She looked like a natural and now can’t wait to join her big brothers at their violin lessons.  It was a wonderful opportunity, and was one of the highlights of the day for me.


After a picnic lunch, we spent most of the rest of the afternoon in the two playgrounds which the children loved.  Owl and I also watched a falconry display which was excellent.  Then we joined the others to watch the pig races, and lucky Owl was picked to take part.  Eight children, in pairs, had to steer four pigs to the finish line.  Owl and his partner came third, and he commented that they had unfortunately been given a stubborn pig.  (I’m afraid I couldn’t resist responding that I had been given stubborn children, so I knew how he felt.)  We ended the afternoon with a rather quick look at the butterflies, rabbits, chickens, turkeys and other small animals, before setting off to have supper at Pizza Express.  We definitely need more time to explore the Rare Breeds Farm, so we have already planned our next visit.

We had a wonderful day, and we are proud to have been a part of such a special event.  We will always remember Matilda Mae.

Today, as well as the walk, the Matilda Mae Memorial Auction opened. This auction, run by Tots 100, is raising money for The Lullaby Trust, the trust that supports families affected by Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and carries out research into preventing it. Please take a look at the auction, or you can also donate to The Lullaby Trust here.

Matilda Mae Memorial Auction


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Paint, glitter glue and bug hunting

On Wednesday, we had home education group at our house again.  I was anxiously watching the weather, as I had planned a messy painting activity and was hoping to be able to do it in the garden.  Jennie asked earlier in the week if people could do some pink and purple messy play in the week leading up to Matilda Mae’s Mile in Memory walk which is taking place tomorrow, so I stocked up on pink and purple art and craft materials, as well as a multicoloured selection to give the children plenty of choice.  It was cloudy and wet in the morning, but by lunchtime the sun was out, and by the time everyone arrived it was warm enough to be in the garden.  There were five families this time, and a total of fourteen children ranging in age from four weeks to nearly nine years old.

I set up the pink and purple materials in one Tuff Spot and the multicoloured ones in the other.  We had glitter glue, paint, paper, feathers, foam hearts, fabric stars, pipe cleaners, water beads and a few other random bits and pieces.  I also had a big table with an assortment of boxes, cardboard tubes and glue for model-making, and a small table with finger paint and sponges for painting directly on the table as well as on paper.  And inside, I had pencils and paper on the dining room table for anyone who wanted a quiet place to sit and draw.

paint glitter bugs 1

It was a lovely afternoon, the children were busy and happy, the adults had time to chat, the artistic creations were wonderful and there was, as always, a good satisfying mess.  As well as painting and drawing, the children enjoyed climbing and swinging, scooting and riding bikes, and the inevitable bug hunting.  The children were also very excited to find a nest with four eggs in, right inside the “talking bush.”  This is a bush at the bottom of the garden which the children love to play in, and they think it is funny that from the outside we can’t see them so the bush appears to be talking.  By the end of the afternoon, the model-making had become quite elaborate and there is now an extensive and luxurious Matilda Mae Bug Hotel in our garden!  We will always remember Matilda Mae here, even if we show it in unusual ways.

paint glitter bugs 2   paint glitter bugs 3

paint glitter bugs 4  paint glitter bugs 5

paint glitter bugs 6

We are also showing our support for Jennie and her family by walking a Mile in Memory for Matilda Mae tomorrow at the Rare Breeds Centre in Kent.  If you would like to help, you can donate here to support the work of the Lullaby Trust, and you can buy something lovely in the Matilda Mae Memorial Auction which will be launched tomorrow.  Sharing this post, and any of the posts I have linked to, would also help, so please do that too as much as you can.  Thank you.