Fimo Treasure Island

I have been wanting to try Fimo for a long time, after reading Patch of Puddles and being inspired by this wonderfully creative home educating family.  It’s taken me a while, but thanks to the lovely Merry, of the above blog (and about a hundred other rather excellent websites) I have finally got round to it.  We received a parcel in the post a few days ago containing enough Fimo kits to last us through several rainy weeks, and we were all very excited.  Looks like we don’t need to go out for a while.  We started with the Fimo Soft Create Your Own Pirate Island Set which you can buy here.

I knew it would be a challenge to keep Tiddler away from it (Fimo is definitely NOT edible) so I got the playdough out first and he and Rabbit were very happily playing with it.  However, they lost interest as soon as they saw the Fimo.  Tiddler had a big tantrum about not being allowed to touch it, but thankfully Cbeebies came to the rescue.  Rabbit watched as Owl and Monkey softened the Fimo, with looks of intense concentration on their faces, and then she joined in with making the island scene.  I had a go too, and we had a lot of help from Supergirl who has used Fimo before.  The children looked at the pictures for inspiration but weren’t interested in following the instructions.  I think the results were rather good for a first attempt, though the trees collapsed a bit.  They were rather top-heavy, and it probably didn’t help that I left them in the oven for a bit too long.  We had fun, anyway, and we are planning to do another kit tomorrow.  I loved the calm, peaceful atmosphere that was created by doing such a therapeutic activity together, and I think we’ll be back for more once our supply has run out.


Odds and ends

I’ve lost track of the many things I’ve been meaning to blog but haven’t had time recently, and I’m feeling the need of a random post to download stuff from my brain (and camera), so here it is.

Sunday 16th

The children made pizzas for lunch after church.

Afternoon tea and trains in the garden of a church family.

Monday 17th

Quiet day at home.  Children very busy and creative.  Owl did some measuring with water, and then Monkey decided to do some floating and sinking, and Rabbit and Tiddler joined in.


Tuesday 18th

Granny (my mum) here, children had lots of attention, nice peaceful day.  Owl and Monkey had swimming lessons.

Wednesday 19th

Our home ed group’s “Not back to school picnic.”  Perfect weather, happy children, a lovely day.  Monkey went to Beavers in the evening.

Thursday 20th

The arrival of Supergirl (see my last post.)

Friday 21st – Saturday 22nd

Owl, Monkey and I went on a sleepover for Beavers and Cubs, and we had a really good time.  On Friday we went on a night hike and some of us saw bats (unfortunately Owl and Monkey didn’t and were quite disappointed, so I had to play down the fact that I had seen two!)  We also saw rabbits, beetles, spiders, slugs, snails and some very interesting fungi.  On Saturday we went pond dipping and identified trees.



After the sleepover, we visited a market stall outside the local deli.  We bought chutney, olives, spiced sausage and smoked garlic.  In the evening we picked some of our apples.


Sunday 23rd

After church, a very wet walk to pick brambles, and bizarrely some tomatoes which appeared to be growing in the wild.

And in the evening, a visit from a lovely family with their beautiful new baby boy.

Monday 24th

Monkey and Owl had piano lessons, some friends came over later, and in the evening, thanks to Supergirl babysitting, Suburban Dad and I were able to go to choir together for the first time in a long time.

Tuesday 25th

In the morning I took Rabbit and Tiddler to Toddler Group, while the big boys stayed at home with Supergirl.  This afternoon we had lots of fun with Fimo.  This was the first time we have tried it, and we love it.  It deserves a separate blog post I think, so I will try to do that tomorrow.  Have a look here if you want to buy some!  After that, I took Owl and Monkey to their swimming lessons, while Supergirl took Rabbit to Dramabuds with Tiddler in tow.  The crazy schedule is much more manageable with an extra person around, and Supergirl is certainly living up to her nickname.

Interview with Supergirl

This morning we went to Gatwick Airport to collect our new au pair.  Let’s call her “Supergirl” – I think she will need to be.  (You don’t have to be a superhero to work here, but it helps…)  When we got home, the first thing we did was to show her the important sights of our local area.  We introduced her to the lovely lady who runs the Art Gallery, showed her where the station is (for when she needs to escape Suburbia) and took her for lunch at the deli.  While we were waiting for our lunch, I suggested that the children might like to interview her for this blogpost.  It kept them occupied quite well, and this is what they found out.

What is your town called?


What is your favourite food?

Spinach lasagne

How old are you?


What number is your house?


What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite cafe in Germany?


Can you balance a pencil on your nose?

Yes, horizontally but not vertically.

What is your favourite animal?

A dolphin

What is your favourite shop in Germany?


I particularly enjoyed Rabbit’s contribution – Let’s just say that balancing pencils on our noses while sitting outside the deli was something of an ice-breaker!

Something’s got to give

So it is after midnight and I have just sat down for the first bit of time for myself today.  Except of course it is technically the next day, so I have actually been through 24 hours with no time to do anything that is on my own personal agenda.  And I’m not talking about anything too ambitious here.  I just need to respond to a few emails and messages, look into buying trainers for the kids online and do my online food shopping.  It seems a little bit sad to call that time for myself…  I would also really like to write more.  There are a few things the kids have been up to that I would like to blog, if only I could find the time.

I’ve been thinking over the last week or two about the fact that I am hopelessly overbooked at the moment, committed to far too many things and I just know that it isn’t going to work.  So I know that I need to cancel some things, or I will just be horribly stressed and certainly not a fun mummy.  The only problem is what to cancel.  There is such a complex net of obligations it is hard to untangle.  If I cancel this I will let that person down.  If I don’t do that, some of the children will be disappointed, though not all of them.  Should I choose on the basis of which I will feel most guilty about not doing, or try to use common sense about what will work best for the majority.  Or should I just cancel everything for the sake of my sanity?  I’m almost at that point.

I’ve been feeling run down and picking up whatever is going around for a week or two, permanently tired and knowing that I’m not doing anything very well because I am trying to do everything.  So I know things have to change.  And today I’ve been asked for help by someone who really needs it, right now and maybe for some time depending how things pan out.  I really want to help and I think I can.  Instead of making me panic about having something else to fit in, it is making me realise that sometimes you just have to prioritise what is most important and let other things go.  I’m not looking forward to contacting people and letting them know I can’t do the things I said I would.  But I feel quite calm about it, and a little bit more in control than I’ve been for a while.  And if I manage to help the person I really want to help, it will definitely have been worth it.

Feed yourself Friday

I don’t know where I got this idea from so apologies if it’s yours.  I read it this morning somewhere online, on a blog or page or website about home education.  That’s as far as I can narrow it down.  Anyway…

The idea is simple.  Get your children to feed themselves on Friday lunchtime, to give them some responsibility and to give yourself some time to do something else you need to do, or have a break.  I often read lots of great ideas about home education, and file them away, wondering if I’ll ever get round to doing them.  But this was one I just had to do straight away.  I’ve been trying for a long time, with varying degrees of success, to get the children to take on more responsibility for jobs around the house, but very often the emphasis is on them “helping” me to do something I could have done more quickly myself.  This was more ambitious, and I really liked the idea that the motivation for learning would be there for all of them: feed yourselves, or you will be rather hungry for the rest of the afternoon.

I explained the plan to the children, and they were quite keen, especially Owl who loved the idea.  He quickly took the lead and the others followed, raiding the fridge for anything they could find.  I tried to keep out of it as much as I could, though I did make a few suggestions.  I also helped Rabbit to wash some lettuce, and showed Owl which knives to use for cutting up cucumber and tomatoes.  I was quite impressed by what they chose (bread, cheese, ham, salad, butter, cream cheese, marmite, juice, milk, water) and by how quickly they got it all ready.

I used the time to do some washing up that I’d been trying to find time to do all morning, then joined them to eat my lunch (the only thing I added to the table was brown bread as they had chosen white.)  After I had finished, I cleared my area of the table and wiped it, got my laptop and a cup of coffee, and sat down to add the photos to my Legoland blogpost.  When the children finished, I reminded them that they needed to clear and wipe the rest of the table and sweep the floor.  They weren’t quite as excited about this part of the plan, but they did do it.  Fortunately.  Because when they finished eating, the table looked like this.

And that was after several spills had been wiped up.  It doesn’t generally look like that when I’m in charge!  However, I will definitely do this again, because despite the mess it was brilliant.  They made sensible food choices, ate the amount they needed, had a lot of fun and felt proud of their achievement.  And I got to sit down, eat my lunch and drink a whole cup of coffee (almost) uninterrupted!

Legoland on a weekday

Last week, our day out to London for the Select Committee hearing interfered with our plans to go to Legoland with a group of home educators.  We were sorry to miss the chance to go with them, but fortunately we were able to go this Tuesday instead, having managed to buy tickets on Ebay for under £40 for all of us.

When we arrived we took the Hill Train down to the main park, and headed straight to Fire Academy.  The big boys had wanted to do this last year, but they would have had to wait for an hour, whereas this time there was only a short queue.  Owl then had a turn in the driving school, which he really enjoyed.  After that they all played in the Duplo playground, and we ate our packed lunch there.  It is a lovely play area for little ones and interesting enough to satisfy older siblings too.

After a walk through Miniland, our next stop was Build and Test, which they loved the first time we went to Legoland three years ago.  Last year it was closed and the children were very disappointed, so there was much relief all round when it was open this time.  It has three adjoining rooms with activities suitable for different ages, and we spent a long time in there.  In one room there is big Lego of two types.  One I think is called Quatro, and we have some of it at home.  The other type is the really big soft Lego bricks that are big enough to build a house that the children can go in.  We love it and Legoland is one of only three places we have come across it.  Another room contains ramps and you can make cars and then test them, learning about friction, and working out why some designs work better than others.  The third room has earthquake tables where you can build a structure and test how strong it is.


Rabbit’s big Lego creations

While the others continued to play in Build and Test, Owl and I went to the Discovery centre next door, where you can build Lego education kits, including some with lights and motors.  After a while the others joined us there, and by the time they had finished, they had made the cool car, the puppet show, and two carousels, one with small Lego and one with Duplo.  It was lovely to be there when it was so quiet.  There was plenty of space to build the kits and time to ask for help.

The Cool Cars kit (made by Owl)

Duplo carousel (made by Rabbit; Tiddler had a go as well)

Small Lego carousel (made by Monkey)

Next, Suburban dad took Rabbit and Tiddler on the Sky Rider (cars on an aerial track) and then I took Tiddler back to Miniland, where we spent a very long time watching trains.  I had almost forgotten how easy it is to entertain two year old boys with trains – we could have spent all day there.    Monkey and Rabbit went on the Sky Rider twice while Owl watched a 4D film – Lego Racers, and then all three of them (and daddy) watched another one, the Lego City one which they particularly wanted to see.

We all met up again in the Duplo playground, and played for a while, then bought an ice cream to eat on the way to the Atlantis submarine voyage.  This was one of the rides Owl wanted to do this time having read about it since our last visit.  I wasn’t that keen, as I don’t like confined spaces, but I did it and it really was quite good.  The submarine goes through an aquarium with sharks, rays and a variety of sea creatures, as well as some Lego models of fish which the children loved.  Afterwards, some of them (especially Rabbit) had fun sticking their hands in a tank to touch shrimp and hermit crabs.

Suburban Dad took Owl and Rabbit on a boat ride in the Boating school, and then we went back to the driving school again, as Monkey was now feeling confident enough to have a go, and Owl wanted to go back for more.  Rabbit had several goes on the smaller cars for “Learner drivers”, enjoying the chance to keep going on again as there were no queues.  Monkey had also been unsure about the boats, but finally decided he would like to go on one with daddy and Tiddler, while Owl and Rabbit carried on driving their cars.  That kept them happily occupied until 5pm when the rides closed, and we took the Hill Train back up to the top.  We had supper in the restaurant, had the inevitable visit to the shop and set off home with four very tired and very happy children.

We made a little detour on the way back, to visit friends who live near Legoland, and to celebrate their daughter’s first birthday with them.  They also have a four year old boy, and the children had a lovely time playing together, and eating birthday cake, while the adults enjoyed the chance to catch up, albeit briefly.

It was a lovely day, and we really felt lucky to be making the most of one of the many benefits of home education – the chance to visit attractions when they are quiet.  One of the staff told us that two weeks ago, they had their fourth busiest day ever, with 23,500 visitors, whereas on the day we went there were just 3000 visitors.  The weather was perfect, sunny and warm, but not hot, and it really is a lovely place, especially without the crowds.  I know the weather is a matter of luck, but on the whole I think there isn’t a much better time to visit Legoland than on a weekday in September, and I hope we will be able to do the same next year.

Paralympics, Select Committee and other stuff

It’s been a busy week.  We had a fairly quiet day on Sunday, with church in the morning and another peaceful afternoon at home.  Granny came here for supper and stayed to read lots of stories to the children at bedtime which was lovely.

Then, on Monday, we went to the Paralympics.  I was feeling a little daunted by the prospect of travelling on busy trains and standing in queues for ages, but it was much better than I thought it would be.  We managed to get an early train and so it wasn’t too crowded, and we had time for breakfast before going into the Olympic Park.  We didn’t have to queue for too long, everything was quite efficient and all the volunteers were really friendly.  The children enjoyed the experience, though the three hour session was too long for the little three, and it was quite hard work occupying them.  We just about survived with the aid of chocolate buttons, crisps, apples and ice creams!  Owl was especially interested, and for him it felt like not quite enough.  We were watching Athletics, and saw a variety of track and field events (we had a brilliant view of the long jump) and several medal ceremonies, culminating in local boy David Weir receiving a gold medal which was brilliant.

Afterwards we escaped the heat and went to John Lewis for lunch.  It was rather busy but not as crowded as the Olympic Park.  We spend a long time there, without accomplishing a great deal, apart from a new pair of shoes for Tiddler, and some Olympic merchandise, but it filled the afternoon up easily and we got the train home in time for supper.

On Tuesday, we had a quiet day at home with a lot of Lego, playing in the garden and other things I have now forgotten.  I did some knitting with Rabbit and she also did some of her new Maths and English sticker books.  In the afternoon, Owl and Monkey had swimming lessons which they enjoyed, and we stayed for supper at the Leisure Centre cafe (which is cash only and I hadn’t planned ahead – they weren’t that impressed with macaroni cheese, tap water and nothing else!)

Wednesday was another big day.  I was asked to give oral evidence at the Select Committee on Support for Home Education after writing a submission for their consultation recently.  We all went up to London by train, and then took a taxi to Portcullis House.  The children wanted to come in with me, so we all went through security and were then directed upstairs.  I met the other witnesses and chatted while we waited.  The children went off with daddy, and after some delay the proceedings started.  I was an observer for the first half and then on the panel for the second half.  As I watched and listened, I found it very interesting, though I couldn’t help thinking I would have enjoyed it more if that was all I had to do.  When it was my turn, I found it pretty stressful to find the right words to say at the right time, particularly as the other witnesses had plenty to say for themselves (well, that’s home educators for you!)  However it was quite an experience and I’m glad to have had the opportunity to put some points across (though there was so much more I could have said.)  I should probably write something about what was discussed, but I haven’t really processed it all yet.  I need to come back to it, I think.

After the session finished, the children and daddy came back.  In fact, as it overran, they were back a little before the end.  I know because I could hear them, and I saw someone go out to tell them to be quiet!  Owl was very excited to come in at the end, and to meet one of the MPs.  When asked if he had any questions, he said “I want to know the meaning of the law”, by which I think he meant all of it.  We agreed he would think of some more specific questions to ask by email, though I think he would do just as well asking Grandpa.  We then left and went to buy sandwiches and fruit to eat by the river with some of the other witnesses.  The children had been to the National Gallery in the morning, which I think they enjoyed, but there was something else that had made more of an impression on all of them.  Owl said “We’ve made a new friend”, and they described a young man who had one short arm and “his wrist was very close to his elbow” (Monkey’s words.)  Owl had asked him if he was in the Paralympics, and the man said no but he was going to be running in a marathon soon.

After lunch, we walked around a bit, looked at Westminster Abbey, decided it wasn’t worth paying to get in at that time of the day when the children were tired, and repaired instead to the Methodist Central Hall.  Suburban dad found it by searching on his phone for free toilets near Westminster Abbey!  As well as the toilets, it had a nice cafe, and we all felt revived by tea/ juice and biscuits and a comfortable place to sit.  Next we decided to head back to the Parliament shop, but on the way we walked past the Supreme Court and noticed they had an exhibition on Sport and the Law so we popped in.  Owl and Rabbit drew some posters on the theme of “fair play in sport” and were presented with certificates, and we looked round the exhibition and watched a little bit of the Paralympics which was being shown in the same room.  We then headed back to the station via the Parliament shop, and caught the train home.


On Thursday, Tiddler had his swimming lesson first thing and, as I have to go in the pool with him, the others went to Granny’s house.  I collected them mid-morning and had just enough time for a quick cup of tea before heading back to the same pool for Rabbit’s lesson (after lunch in the cafe, again with not enough food because I didn’t have much money!)  After the lesson, we went to a Home Education group meeting and the children played very happily while I enjoyed time to catch up with the adults.

On Friday, Owl and Monkey had violin lessons early in the morning.  Owl has been learning for two and a half years, but it was Monkey’s first lesson.  After that, we had a free day at home and the children spent most of it playing.  I did some more knitting with Rabbit, and she and Tiddler did some painting.



Monkey made a crown for his baby doll, and Rabbit decided to make one for hers as well.  Tiddler wanted one for his baby, so Monkey helped him to make one.  It was lovely to watch them, and they hardly needed my help at all (apart from finding the end of the sellotape!)  They played in the garden a lot, made dens in the playroom and played with Lego.

This morning we started our latest version of Saturday madness, with a slightly different and yet more hectic set of activities.  I took Tiddler to Dramabuds and Rabbit went to ballet, while Owl and Monkey played tennis with daddy.  Then it was Owl and Monkey’s turn for ballet and tap, while Rabbit went to her Dramabuds session.  I hope this term will be a better chance for Monkey to try out the dance lessons, in an older age group, with Owl, and with a male teacher.  I don’t mind whether they continue next term, or go back to football (unfortunately they clash), but I’m glad for them both to have the opportunity to try.  I wish there were some other boys doing it though, but sadly that is not the case.

We had a very nice lunch at our local deli, before going home to face up to the housework while the children spent most of the afternoon playing in the paddling pool.  We enjoyed our last barbecue of the season in the evening – it will have to be the last because the gas bottle has run out!

I haven’t asked them to do any particular work this week, as it has been so busy with outings and first lessons of the term, but as usual I have been impressed with their creative learning and play which is, of course, at its best when I leave them to it.  I can’t remember it all, but in addition to the things I have already mentioned, one little scene stands out in my memory.  One evening, I’m not sure which, after supper, Owl came to me and said “I think I need to practise adding up numbers so I will be able to work out how many Lego bricks I need for my building plans.”  I offered him a worksheet (adding two-digit numbers) and he did all twenty questions very quickly, with a just a little help and encouragement.  At the same time, Monkey sat down at the table with us and read a story to Rabbit.  I think that shows we don’t need to worry that Owl isn’t always enthusiastic about Maths, and Monkey doesn’t want to read aloud very often.  When they see a purpose for doing it, they have no problems at all.

Another lovely moment (on Friday evening, I think) was when Monkey was practising the long jump in the garden.  The group we watched doing the long jump at the Paralympics on Monday was the athletes who had an arm, or part of an arm, missing.  Inspired by this, Monkey had one arm inside his T-shirt and at one point he turned to us and encouraged us to clap by clapping his “good arm” onto the opposite shoulder, as he had seen one of the athletes do on Monday.  During the Olympics, I was glad that the boys were interested and inspired, and I think it has renewed their enthusiasm for sport.  If anything, the Paralympics have been more inspiring, and I love the fact that they now have people with disabilities among their heroes.

Extended breastfeeding

Tiddler is two.  He’s a happy little person most of the time, but sometimes he has tantrums, especially when he’s tired.  It’s normal.  Often when this happens, I take the easiest option, which is to offer him a breastfeed.  This evening, he was sitting on Granny’s lap listening to stories for a long time and was tired and ready to sleep.  However, he didn’t think so, and when I tried to take him to bed he pulled out all the stops for the loudest tantrum ever.  I offered to feed him as usual, and he refused which I knew he would until he started to calm down.  So I sat with him and held him and when he paused for breath I offered the choice to feed or go to bed.  I repeated the offer a couple of times before he decided to opt for the breastfeed.  He did try his luck by asking for a lollipop (he had one at the hairdresser’s yesterday) before settling down to feed.  Within five minutes he was fast asleep.

Being able to calm Tiddler down so quickly is good for me, and Suburban dad is an enthusiastic supporter of extended breastfeeding for the same reason.  But more importantly it is good for Tiddler.  He is the only one of my four babies to have continued breastfeeding after the age of two, and I feel sad when I look back on all the unnecessary tears and tantrums the others had at this stage.  It’s normal that they happen, but with the benefit of breastfeeding, peace can be restored more easily and unnecessary distress is avoided.

I have mentioned extended breastfeeding in passing before, and thought I might get round to writing a more detailed post about it sometime.  However, it’s late and I’m tired and I can’t organise my thoughts, so it turns out this is just another random musing on the topic again rather than anything more thorough.  I suppose I just feel that I’m very very lucky, and so is Tiddler, and I wish that I’d known at the start of my parenting journey what I know now.  I also feel sad that the prevailing view of our culture, which condemns breastfeeding older babies and toddlers, makes parenting harder than it needs to be.

The little things

We took all the children to get their hair cut today, then went shopping for birthday presents for two of their friends.  We were home in time for lunch, and then an afternoon of housework, pottering around and playing.  Just an ordinary day, but it was good.  A little more sorting and decluttering, a couple more bags to the charity shop, a bit of a catch up on laundry.  We didn’t really achieve as much as we hoped, but it was enough to feel we were making progress.  I think the reason it was a good day was to do with the little things that could be easily overlooked.  In fact I’m sure I have overlooked some, but these are the ones that come to mind.

Playing with Wow Toys with Tiddler, which was good until I stepped over them and knocked some over (Don’t knock a toys over mummy, you a silly boy!)

Doing puzzles with Monkey, Rabbit and Tiddler

Knitting a scarf with Rabbit

Blowing bubbles in the garden with Rabbit and Tiddler, and pushing them both on the swings

Sorting laundry with Rabbit and teaching her how to fold socks together in pairs because she really wanted to know how (I will just practise lots of times mummy and then I will be able to do it.)

Chatting to Owl about how he could raise money for charity.  (I could walk up a mountain and down again.  Well, yes, I hope you would come down…)

Playing “Tummy Ache” with Monkey, Rabbit and Tiddler, and then again with Owl and Rabbit

Writing that list makes me realise why I didn’t get more housework done today.  Why I never get as much done as I imagine I will.  And I think I’m fine with that!

Summer Holidays

This summer seems to have gone by in a bit of a blur as we have been so busy.  I usually enjoy the holidays as many of our term-time activities stop and we have more free time to play with, but it’s been a bit different this year.  The first part of the holidays was dominated by our kitchen being redone, which was very stressful, though the results are definitely worth it.  What with that and a couple of weeks of holiday clubs (not altogether successful), there wasn’t much time to relax.   From the middle of August, things improved as Suburban dad had two weeks holiday, of which we spent a week at home and a week at my parents’ house.

We did our annual day trip to France which is always good fun, and considerably cheaper and easier than many other family days out.  The children love going on the ferry, and we bring a breakfast picnic (the remains of which are eaten on the way home for supper!)  This year we went to Wissant, a village just south of Calais, and we spent the morning on the beach.  We had a late lunch in a restaurant then drove back to Calais just in time for a supermarket sweep of Carrefour before getting back on the ferry.

We went swimming twice which is something we seem to find ridiculously difficult to fit into our term-time schedule.  When the children are older, I’ll be able to take them myself but for now it takes both of us to do it, and it’s hard to find the time.  The children loved it of course, and we have good intentions of trying to go more often, but in case we don’t I have booked them all in for lessons (to add to the logistical nightmare that is next term’s schedule.)  It’s only taken me a year since the local swimming pool closed to find an alternative.

Another easy family day out was the Cotswold Farm Park.  We went there a lot when the big boys were little, and I wanted to give the little ones the same opportunity as well.  They all enjoyed it, especially the sandpit, climbing frames, ride-on tractors and bouncy pillows.  They quite liked the animals too!  We watched a cow being milked, bottle fed some goat kids, and fed grass pellets to some of the other animals.  I suppose it is a little bit commercial but as these things go it is pretty good.  I didn’t know how lucky I was growing up with grandparents who owned a farm.  I can’t give the same experience to my children, but the farm park is better than nothing.  Owl has just come to me now and asked “If a cow is grown up when it is 8, is it a teenager when it is 6?”  So he remembered something from the milking talk!

Also this summer we finally took the children to Thomas Land at Drayton Manor.  It was much less stressful than I imagined and I wished I had taken the big boys there when they were at the height of their Thomas phase a couple of years ago.  However they enjoyed it anyway and so did the little ones, so it was a good time to go as it appealed to all four of them.  It felt more organised than some theme parks and though it was busy it was somehow manageable.  There were plenty of rides that all four could go on, as well as a few that just the big three did with daddy.  They went on a rollercoaster (albeit a fairly small one) for the first time and all enjoyed it.  Owl and Rabbit are very keen to do it again.  Monkey is not so sure but is pleased that he did it!

We spent a lovely peaceful morning at the Rollright stones near Long Compton on the Oxfordshire/ Warwickshire border.  It is a complex of three Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments, called the King’s Men, the King’s Stone and the Whispering Knights.


Part of the King’s Men stone circle

We also went to Warwick Castle which was alright, but a bit too much of a Merlin “attraction” for my liking.  I suppose I should have seen it as a warning sign that the website describes it as Britain’s “Ultimate” Castle.  We saw (through the crowds) eagles and jousting, and the firing of the trebuchet which was amazing, and looked around the state rooms.  But it was cold and wet and we had optimistically gone without coats.  The little ones had had enough by mid afternoon so we decided to leave, which upset Owl who still wanted to see more.  So for a little while no-one was happy.  But then we called in on the excellent Toy Shop in Moreton-in-Marsh and suddenly everyone was happy!

Much more to our taste was Chastleton, a small National Trust property.   I love the description from the website: “With virtually no intrusion from the 21st century, this fascinating place exudes an informal and timeless atmosphere in a gloriously unspoilt setting. There is no shop or tea-room, so you can truly believe you have stepped back in time.”  And even better, the church next door have spotted this gap in the market so we got tea and cake after all.

We spent the Bank Holiday weekend at home, had a delicious lunch out at an Italian restaurant and visited our local Environmental fair.  After all that excitement we needed a quiet week at home, and it has been good for us all.  We have been trying to sort our house out and get rid of stuff (well we are always trying to do that, but recently with a bit more success, I would say, although there’s a lot still to do.)  All in all it has been a good summer, if a little busy, but now I am looking forward to settling back into our term-time rhythm and enjoying Autumn, my favourite season.