I have been out of the habit of blogging what we’ve been up to, having coasted through December writing only about books. It felt easier to do that when I was so busy, and didn’t have time or space to reflect on anything. It’s been nice to look back through the photos, though, and realise that there were some good moments in what was a fairly stressful month. I’m starting with an outdoor play round up, because I have missed being part of Coombe Mill’s Country Kids linky recently, and I don’t want to miss another week. If I manage it, a round up of Christmas-related things will follow.

We took the opportunity to play in the garden as much as we could, even in the colder weather. One morning in early December, the big three went out to play football while Tiddler was at Pre-School. I resisted the temptation to leave them to it, and went out with them (cup of coffee in hand) and I was glad I did. We had a lot of fun, and I think they stayed out there longer because I joined them.

When they had finished playing football, they got the sledge out and tried as hard as they could to pull each other around on the grass. They can’t wait for it to snow. Monkey also took the opportunity to check that he could still get in the Little Tikes car – he can, just about. Owl is a bit jealous!

The sledge occupied them for a long time, and then they moved on to the swings and climbing frame.

They played together for a long time in an imaginative way that was lovely to watch. The top of the climbing frame became a bed, and Monkey and Rabbit were waiting for Father Christmas (Owl) to bring them presents. This was reenacted several times!

A few days later all four children were out in the garden again. Tiddler spent a long time riding on the fabulous Didicar – one of our best garden toys.

Other than that it was the sledge and the swings that kept them busy for a very long time.

I have really been enjoying spending time outside with the children. In previous Winters I haven’t really been out there that much, but I’ve been trying to lead by example this time and it has worked. It’s always easy to get the little ones out there, but with a bit of encouragement the big boys have had a lot of fun too.

On another occasion it was bubble blowing that got Rabbit outside. Tiddler was happy with his scooter, and Monkey with his stick lightsaber. And Owl agreed to come out as long as he could bring his book!

One of the best bits of outdoor fun in December was an unplanned trip to the park on a beautiful sunny day, to fill in time between a party and trip to the theatre.

This park is usually very crowded in the Summer, so we really enjoyed having it more or less to ourselves for a change.

The children had a wonderful time and burned off some energy before going in to the theatre.

Another highlight was the park run at Nonsuch Park, with my dad, and my brother who was over from Australia. Well not exactly with them, as they shot off into the distance very quickly. Owl and I managed to run it properly this time though, and I was very proud of his time, 42 minutes and 30 seconds. I think that is pretty good for a nine year old. I just about kept up with him! Monkey, Rabbit and Tiddler walked with daddy and we all met up at the end.
There were a few other outings over the Christmas holidays, but I don’t have very many photos, so I think I’ll leave it at that. Country Kids, it’s good to be back and I’ll try not to be a fair weather friend 🙂