Last Friday, after a morning of violin lessons and Musicbox, we had a quiet afternoon at home, mostly spent in the garden. Rabbit wanted me to watch her doing “gymnastics” on the climbing frame, and we had a lovely time together while the boys were otherwise occupied. Then Tiddler came and joined in and they played together for a while. I really enjoyed spending time with them outside, making the most of the sunshine (which has since disappeared) and the garden (which is a bit of a mess but has some nice bits). There is blossom on the pear tree.

There may or may not be pears. Probably not, but for now it is doing a good job of making the garden look better. There is also blossom on both the apple trees (much bigger and more established than the pear tree) and they look amazing, but I haven’t photographed them yet. After climbing and hanging from monkey bars for a while, the little ones wanted me to push them on the swings so we did that for a while, and then we decided to dig and weed the vegetable patch. This is a very small raised bed which has been abandoned since last summer, and it was completely overgrown with weeds. I should have taken a proper “before” picture but it didn’t occur to me until about half way through. Anyway, after about 45 minutes of really hard work by me and Rabbit (and some “help” from Tiddler) it looked like this.

We carried on for another 45 minutes, and more or less cleared it but hadn’t got all the roots out when we had to abandon the project because daddy had arrived with pizza for supper. The children asked for angel delight for pudding, and of course it had to be in the Tuff Spot so we had an impromptu messy play session. I made some strawberry angel delight and quickly found a few other things for them to play with/ eat: oats, rice pops, raisins and icing sugar. They had a wonderful messy time, while we sat in the garden drinking wine and getting in the bank holiday mood.

Saturday was mostly spent on children’s activities (dramabuds, choir and playing at home), housework, more digging and weeding, and also sorting out some of our clutter which has been sitting in a life-laundry style tent in our garden for ages. We decided that bank holiday weekend was a good time to deal with it properly, as we’d had enough of looking at the tent taking up space in the garden. On Sunday, daddy took the children to church while I did yet more housework, and we did another stint of clutter sorting after lunch. Rabbit, Tiddler and I planted some pumpkin seeds in the vegetable patch.

So this is our “after” photo for now, though I hope to be able to add photos of pumpkins growing in due course! We then went round to Granny’s house, where our friends from 3 kids and a gluestick joined us. The children played, the mummies supervised, and the daddies attempted to sort out tools, clutter and cars(!) in Granny’s garage. I think the sorting was only moderately productive, but the children had a lovely time and we had the first barbecue of the season.
On Monday, we had planned to go to Morden Hall Park, but I decided we couldn’t go until the tent was down, as I was starting to think it would become a permanent fixture in our garden. So we had a final push and sorted out the rest of the stuff, setting aside some to give away or sell, returning a few useful items to the house, and making a satisfyingly huge pile of stuff to go to the dump. Once we had done this, it was lunch time, so we abandoned our picnic plans and had lunch in the garden. Three glasses of wine later (in my case as I was not driving), we did actually manage to get the children rounded up and out to Morden Hall. I will blog this separately, as I am going to try and make the most of our National Trust membership this year, and write individual blog posts about each place that we visit. We have signed up to the 50 things campaign which has just been relaunched, and I am determined to do more with it than we did last year.
So that was our Bank Holiday, busy and productive, but also fun, though not exactly restful. I feel like I need a holiday to recover!