Category Archives: Me


I’m not really in a place where I can do a round-up of 2013 at the moment.  There’s too much I haven’t processed yet.  But I will tell you one thing I have learned this year.


First, though, I will tell you one of the reasons why this photo makes me smile.  I look happy, but I was in fact very stressed.  So much so that I had to take what felt like about a hundred photos while my very patient friend carried on smiling, till I finally had one I was happy with.  And the thing that worked in the end was laughing at how ridiculous it was that I was too stressed to smile.  And then I didn’t even write the blog post I was planning to write, because stuff happened and got in the way.

So I’m writing it now.  Kind of.  Anyway, the thing I have learned is not to take my friends for granted.  So thank you to all my lovely friends who have helped me and supported me in so many ways this year.  Happy New Year to you all.  And Sarah, there is so much more I could say but sometimes less is more so I’ll stop.  Just thank you x