The children were very excited earlier this week when we received a copy of Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Tale of the Wizard’s Whisper to review. They have recently been enjoying Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Big Adventure at Granny’s house. I think it is the mark of an excellent picture book if it can hold the attention of a nine year old as well as a three year old, and both the books certainly do that.

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Tale of the Wizard’s Whisper, Kristina Stephenson, paperback, £6.99, Egmont.
The story opens with the arrival of a wizard at a castle on top of a hill. He tells the king that he is looking for a legendary knight who is well known for helping people. It just so happens that Sir Charlie Stinky Socks is in the castle and he is looking for a new adventure.
“Listen well,” said the wizard, “here’s what I need you to do. Take a treacherous track, to a spooky-wooky wood and look for a deep, dark cave. Inside the cave is a little black sack, tied with a silver string. Bring that sack back to me,” he said, “but…DO NOT look inside.”
Sir Charlie sets off with his faithful, fearless cat and his good, grey mare, meeting a frightful ogre, a scurry of scallywags and a red-eyed crone on the way. He collects the little black sack, and returns to the castle where a surprise awaits him.

We have read the book together several times over the last few days, and the children have drawn some pictures based on the illustrations. Yesterday, a friend who was visiting read it to them too, and today Rabbit decided to read it herself.

I think this conversation we had today sums up her views.
Rabbit: Mummy, who made the Sir Charlie Stinky Socks books?
Me: Kristina Stephenson
Rabbit: Well whoever did it, they’re really good!
We like this book because it is funny, and the pictures are good, especially the one where he is reading books about himself. We also like the picture of the wizard’s whisper.
We also enjoyed looking out for alliteration (faithful, fearless cat; good grey mare; treacherous track, deep dark cave), interesting adjectives (treacherous, frightful, quaking, shaking, pilfering, dismal, fearful), words with echoes (spooky-wooky wood, twisty-wisty path) and rhyming words (treacherous track/ little black sack/ bring that sack back to me.)
It would be an excellent text to use to inspire children to write their own stories, and I think we might try that next.
Thank you, Egmont, for sending us such a brilliant book!
We were given the book free for the purpose of this review.