Some of the things we have been learning this week.
- Owl – rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100; estimating and measuring length and mass
- Monkey – 2D and 3D shapes; symmetry; comparing and measuring length and mass; Mathletics
- Rabbit – counting and writing numbers to 20
- Tiddler – drawing circles and triangles; counting
- All – using the balance scales with an assortment of hexagram weights, multilink cubes and other objects
- Owl – punctuation of speech; imperatives; spelling words with silent letters
- Monkey – handwriting; rhyming phrase poem; acrostic poem; writing the names of Lego Minifigures
- Rabbit – mazes; captions
- All – reading and listening to stories
- Owl – vertebrates and invertebrates
- Monkey – BBC Bitesize Science
- All – pond dipping and looking at some of the creatures using a video microscope
- Owl and Monkey – piano practice and lessons
- Owl – violin practice and lesson
- Tiddler – Musicbox
Art and craft
- Rabbit – maxi Hama bead butterfly; making cards for Pre-school teachers
- Monkey – making snowflakes
- All – clay modelling
Owl and Monkey – discussion about which continent has the most countries (Owl said it was Africa with 52 countries, which is more or less right – I checked and found two different sites, one saying it has 53 countries and the other saying 54!) We also looked in our Children’s Encyclopedia to find out more about the continents.
Fresh air and exercise
- Rabbit – Pre-school sports day
- All – playing in the garden with Home ed group friends; lots of walking and playing outside on the pond dipping outing
- Owl – Lego plans for museum
- Monkey – designing a family coat of arms; making dens
- Rabbit – playing tea parties
- Owl and Monkey – making posters about healthy eating and exercise at Beavers
- Monkey, Rabbit and Tiddler – the messy flour game