Play Merrily Toys

A few days ago, I wrote a post about the Keepsake Teddy we have recently ordered, and I said I would write about some of the other small businesses we love.  So this is the second one, and it is our favourite online toy shop.  Play Merrily is a family run business which sells excellent quality toys, and the customer service is exceptional.  Everything we have ordered has always arrived very quickly, and if there are any problems with the order they are dealt with efficiently.

We have many Play Merrily toys in our house.  We love our doll’s house, which was a very special present for Rabbit last Christmas.  This year she is hoping for a Ruben’s Barn doll – Monkey already has one and she doesn’t want to be left out.  All our children enjoy playing with toy food, and we can never resist adding to our collection of wooden and soft play food. There are so many wonderful things to choose from, we always find it difficult to decide what to order.

I had already planned to write this post when the lovely Merry (of the Merrily empire) offered us the chance to review some Edtoy magnetic vehicles.  A full review will follow, but here is a sneak preview.  We were sent the police car and the fire engine, and Rabbit and Tiddler quickly decided they should have one each.  Luckily, they agreed to share and all four children enjoyed playing with them for a long time at bedtime on the day they arrived.  It was one of those situations where they were playing so nicely that we let them stay up quite a lot later than we intended!

edtoy vehicles

So if you are looking for good quality toys this Christmas, and would like to keep your money out of the hands of the big companies, Play Merrily would be a great place to start.

Next up in our small-businesses-we-love series, a great place to buy books for little ones online.   Watch this space!

Dinosaurs in Space

This post is written by Paul, as it was definitely his kind of project!

At the Welly Walk last month we were given a stop-go animation kit, “Dinosaurs in Space”, by Zu3D.

Zu3D Dinosaurs 1

We were really excited about this; our older boys had made several attempts to animate Lego minifigures using daddy’s phone as the camera, and windows movie player as the clunky means of viewing the film, in a process that should have been called “stop, go, stop, stop, shout a bit, stop and try and go again animation”.

On the Welly Walk day, as soon as Owl saw the stall and its software, he suggested I take the last set of unedited frames off the phone – 125 shots of a Lego car driving across a carpet in granny’s house –  and import it into the Zu3D editing suite. This worked immediately, and he then spent ages tinkering with the film, while Monkey started from scratch next to him with a piece about a dinosaur being knocked out cold by a falling apple. Both boys could use the software as soon as they were shown the basics by the lady on the stand. But would it be so easy to use once we got it home, even by aged parents? Well, yes. The resulting film you can see here on you tube.

The Dinosaurs in Space kit, which is on sale for £34.99, consists of a decent backlit webcam on a solid base, the excellent Zu3D software, a pack of plasticine with all the colours needed to make the dinosaurs seen on the packet, links to videos on how to make the models and a couple of plastic sculpting implements. Owl started by watching the video on how to make the green triceratops, and managed to sculpt it within about ten minutes. The Lego space digger and train had been made on a previous occasion, and were on the table just waiting to be incorporated in to the plot: Dinosaurs Unleashed was born.

Zu3D Dinosaurs 2
Daddy and Owl did the first segment up to point the triceratops jumps on the train, then we took a break. Later on, Owl watched the video on making the tyrannosaurus and brought it into being, and filmed the middle section himself. Rabbit had also watched the instruction video and made her own black and white character using leftover plasticine.  Owl filmed the last dinosaur climbing aboard, then Monkey and daddy joined in for the last section involving the spaceman’s return to earth and girlfriend. A minute’s film required over 600 photographs, and occupied most of the day.

animation 1

animation 2

animation 3

animation 4

animation 5
So what was good about the kit? The software was easy enough to use that we’d all understood it within about half an hour, including changing frame speeds, and adding credits and titles. The major feature was the “onion skinning” – being able to see where everything was positioned in the last frame as you take the current one. This gave us a smooth movie, and also helped us recover when the models got knocked over or the camera nudged. There are more options we haven’t looked at yet, and some advanced features like green screening that require an upgrade.
The camera was well built and kept its position easily, and the back lights worked well. I had to tell Zu3D to use this external device over the laptop’s own built-in camera, and found the settings easily. I then had to stop the laptop complaining about the spurning of its camera over and over again, but that is a dell problem.
The addition of plasticine to the kit, and the fact that the opened box wrapper formed a space backdrop, was a nice touch. Without them we would have experimented with Lego on its own, and the spaceman would never have met the dinosaurs.
All in all, the Zu3D looks set to become a regular feature in the caterpillartales household..

We were given the Zu3D Dinosaurs in Space kit free for the purpose of this review.

Meal Planning Monday 18th November 2013

We followed our meal plan last week and the biggest success was the prawn curry on Saturday night.  I wasn’t sure if the children would like it, but they did so it’s back on the plan for this week and I think we’ll be doing it regularly!

prawn curry

Today we were at Granny’s house for lunch as usual.  After a busy afternoon of violin lessons and visiting friends we had a quick supper of eggy bread and marmite sandwiches, followed by stewed apple with yoghurt, oats and elderberry syrup, when we got home.  This is the plan for the rest of the week.

Breakfasts – cereal, fruit, yoghurt, porridge, possibly a cooked breakfast on Saturday

Lunches – Armenian soup, tomato soup, bread, cheese and daddy’s homemade peanut butter


Tuesday – sausage casserole, mashed potato and cabbage

Wednesday – sausage casserole leftovers

Thursday – spaghetti with quorn bolognese

Friday – baked potatoes with chorizo and chick pea stew

Saturday – prawn curry and rice

Sunday – roast beef

Puddings – stewed apple, apple crumble, yoghurt, rice pudding

Snacks – fruit, rice cakes, breadsticks, crackers

I’m finding the meal planning really helpful.  It definitely saves money, and it’s much nicer than getting to 4.30pm and wondering what to cook!


Meal Planning Monday

Saturday Snippets 16th November 2013

{playing} with Edtoy Magnamobiles (a fire engine and a police car) and loving them – review to follow.

{relaxing} this morning while Paul managed to take all the children out to the hairdresser’s and the shops.  A long bath, a bit of laundry done, a blog post written and I felt much better.

{acquiring} quite a bit of random stuff at Granny’s church fair this afternoon, and having a lot of fun.

{tidying} the house and wishing it would stay tidy – I think another round of decluttering is needed before our church fair, and then Christmas.

{eating} Paul’s delicious homemade prawn curry and rice, and drinking wine while watching Strictly.

prawn curry


Owl has been working sensibly and independently a lot this week, and is feeling motivated because he would like to go to Oxford University, to study Astrophysics and Maths.  He’s always loved Science, but the enjoyment of Maths is relatively new and I’m pleased – I’ve been telling him Maths is fun for years!

Monkey wrote an excellent letter at Beavers on Wednesday: “To other beings in space.  My name is…  I live on planet Earth, the planet with just about enough things I need to live.  Food, water, beds, Lego, air, TVs.  Visit if you want.  Bye.”

Rabbit is gaining confidence in reading, and she has been working on words beginning with “th” and “wh” this week.  She is good at sounding out simple words now so we are working on building up her knowledge of tricky words.

Tiddler has been building Tomica roads and playing with his cars a lot this week.  On Friday, he went on a Bear Hunt in the garden at pre-school which he loved.  He told me you have to run away from cross bears but you don’t have to run away from friendly bears!

Handmade Keepsake Teddy

I have been planning to write a series of blog posts about some lovely small family-run businesses because I try, where possible, to avoid handing over our hard-earned money to big companies with dubious moral and ethical standing.  I’m going to start with this one which has been on my list for ages.  I should have written it earlier, as it’s probably cutting it fine for handmade items to be ready for Christmas, but it is so special that you might not need Christmas as an excuse!

I’ve given away a lot of baby clothes, but it’s hard to part with my favourite ones that evoke so many treasured memories, so they inevitably end up in the loft not serving any purpose.  I was really excited when I discovered Handmade at Holmes, a small business run by a lovely mum.  She makes keepsake dolls and teddies, and I chose some of Rabbit’s baby clothes to send to her.

baby clothes

I was very pleased with the results and I’m really looking forward to giving Rabbit her new teddy for Christmas, as I am sure she will love it.

keepsake teddy

I think it’s the perfect present for little ones – and it ticks all my boxes for clearing out the clutter in my loft, recycling, and supporting an independent business.  Have a look at the Handmade at Holmes facebook page and you can see some other examples.  You can also get little advent stockings to fill with treats – I’m very tempted!

So that’s the first family-run business I want to recommend to you.  Next on my list is my favourite online independent toy retailer which is equally brilliant!

A Hug for World Prematurity Day

It’s World Prematurity Day this Sunday and this year’s theme is #GiveAHug.  Many of us take for granted that we can give our children a hug whenever we like, and hold our babies as soon as they are born.  But for many parents it is not that simple.  Around the world, 15 million babies a year are born prematurely, 60 000 of those in the UK.  In many cases, their parents cannot give them a hug for days, or even weeks.

To support Bliss in their #GiveAHug campaign, we have decided to share one of our favourite picture books, Hug, by Jez Aldborough.
hug one 1

We read it together at bedtime while we were staying at Granny’s house.  Once the children were settled on the sofa in their pyjamas with an assortment of dolls and teddies and a blanket, Owl decided he would like to read it to the others.

hug two 2

The story is simply told through eloquent pictures and very little text, which means you can’t just read the words, you have to talk about it.  This leads to some lovely conversations and an insight into the children’s point of view.

A little chimp has lost his mummy, and everywhere he looks he sees other animals sharing hugs.  An elephant takes pity on him, and tries to help him find his mummy.  They look everywhere but can’t find her.  He sits down and starts crying and the other animals look worried but they don’t know what to do.  Suddenly his mummy comes and finds him, and they share a joyful hug.  And then all the animals hug each other, and the little chimp hugs his friend, the elephant.

hug three 3

It’s a heartwarming story, and it is very good for discussing emotions with children.  We look at the little chimp’s face in each scene and talk about what he is feeling.

On this occasion, as you can see in the photos above, when the children had finished reading the story, they all took turns to hug each other.  Only a couple of photos were usable as most of them were rather blurry (or silly!) but it was lovely to watch and it made me feel very lucky.

An afternoon at the Rollright Stones

On Sunday afternoon we went to the Rollright Stones, which is one of our favourite places to visit near my mum’s house.

rollright stones one 1

We walked down to the Whispering Knights first.  On the way, we spotted a good crop of haw berries.

rollright stones two 2

The weather was perfect and we enjoyed making the most of the late Autumn sunshine.

rollright stones three 3

Tiddler found some mud to squelch in by the Whispering Knights so he was happy!

rollright stones four 4

On the way back, we stopped to pick rosehips and haws.  We even found a few brambles, and some elderberries too.

rollright stones five 5

I left Owl and Rabbit picking haw berries with daddy, as Monkey and Tiddler were keen to get back to the stone circle.

rollright stones six 6

They played there happily for quite a long time.  It was hard to stop Tiddler from climbing on the stones, until he decided to dig a hole with a stick which kept him busy for a while!

rollright stones seven 7

When Owl and Rabbit joined us, the children decided to count the stones.  There are officially 77, but we get a different number every time we count, because some are joined together and it’s hard to know what counts as a separate stone.

rollright stones eight 8

I had the bubble mixture from the Matilda Mae Welly Walk with me so we ended the afternoon by blowing bubbles for Tilda as the sun was setting.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Hobbycraft Christmas Decoration Kits

We have been sent two Christmas Decoration craft kits to review by Hobbycraft, and my original plan was to let the children try and help me.  On closer inspection, I decided it was probably a bit too difficult, or at least it would have taken them even longer than it took me.  So I decided to make them myself, and perhaps we will make some more later with our stash of felt.  (It is tempting to say that they were made by the children, but the slapdash sewing is all mine!)

hobbycraft decorations 1

We chose the reindeer and the heart decoration kits, and it was interesting to compare the two.  The reindeer kit, which I did first, was harder, and in fact the children would have been able to do the hearts, so that is probably something we will try if we make our own.

hobbycraft decorations 2

The kits are priced at £3.00 each and include pre-cut felt pieces, thread and toy stuffing.  The reindeer kit also has beads for eyes.  Both kits contain an instruction leaflet.

hobbycraft decorations 3

I started by marking the snowflake patterns on both sides of the reindeer.  It wasn’t clear from the instructions which thread to use, as there was a small amount of embroidery thread and a larger amount of thin sewing thread.  I opted for the embroidery thread, which seemed the logical choice, but it turned out to be the wrong one as there was only enough for four snowflakes on one side.  I used the thin thread to complete the last snowflake and decided to keep the other side plain!

The instructions included small pictures of the stitches needed – back stitch, blanket stitch and running stitch.  However, I don’t think you would be able to work out how to do all the stitches from the pictures if you didn’t already know.  I had to think hard about how to do blanket stitch – I did eventually remember, though I did it pretty badly.  The instructions also refer to using French knots for decorations on the corner of the snowflakes, but I couldn’t remember how to do them so I missed them out.

Having joined the two pieces with blanket stitch, I filled the reindeer with the toy stuffing, added the antlers and sewed up the hole at the top.  Then I added the beads for the reindeer’s eyes, and felt pieces for the feet.  I have not yet added hanging loops, as they were supposed to be made with the embroidery thread which I used by mistake, so I will have to find some more thread and add them later.

hobbycraft decorations 4

Next, I made the hearts and they were much easier, particularly because I decided not to embroider any words on them.  I didn’t really want “Mum” and “Dad” as suggested, and couldn’t think of anything else to do, so I left them plain.

The felt in this kit is thicker and fluffier, and there are pieces of ribbon to sew them together.  I prefer the look and feel of the thinner felt, but it was very quick and simple to sew the thick felt pieces together with ribbon so this kit would be more suitable for a child or someone who is not very confident about sewing.

It would be useful if there was a slightly larger amount of ribbon provided to allow room for error.  I nearly ran out of white ribbon so the hanging loop on the red heart is too small and I will have to replace it later.

hobbycraft decorations 5

I think the kits represent good value for money at £3.00 each, although they could do with clearer instructions in parts, and a more generous amount of ribbon and embroidery thread.  They reindeer kit would be tricky for a beginner, and both kits would be too basic for someone more experienced.  However, they were just about right for someone like me with rather rusty sewing skills, and I did enjoy doing them.  I also worked out what to do, and what not to do, when I try to make my own decorations so it was useful from that point of view too.  They may not be perfect, but the children love them so I am happy with the results!

This post is sponsored by Hobbycraft.

Bonfire Night Celebrations

Yes, I know it’s been a while since Bonfire Night, but Owl took the photos of the fireworks and I promised they would feature in a blog post, so here it is!


We had our bonfire on Sunday 3rd November, and we invited some friends and Paul’s mum over as we do every year.  We started with the fireworks, and as I’m not a fan I let Owl have my phone to take photos while I stayed in the kitchen cooking the supper!

fireworks two

After the fireworks, we had supper – baked potatoes and sausage casserole, followed by stewed apple and custard – with some of us sitting outside by the bonfire and some of us inside.

bonfire night

We finished the evening indoors watching the Strictly results show, and eating toasted marshmallows.

treacle toffee

On Tuesday 5th, the children were a little disappointed that they couldn’t have another bonfire, but Owl and I made treacle toffee and our friends came round again.

sparklers one 1

We had sparklers in the garden, which made up for the lack of bonfire.

sparklers two 2

On Thursday night, the big boys also went with daddy to their Beavers and Cubs bonfire night and had a brilliant time.

I’m linking up with Coombe Mill’s Country Kids – a little late this week – though my Bonfire Night post is not quite as impressive as Fiona’s – you should go and take a look 🙂

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall